Inflixamab (Remicade)

CAS NO: 170277-31-3
Batch Molecular FormulaC6428H9912N1694O1987S46
Batch Molecular Weight144190.3 g/mol
Physical AppearanceLiquid
Melting point61 °C
StorageStore at RT
Batch Molecular Structure

Infliximab, commonly marketed under the brand name Remicade, is a medication used to treat various autoimmune and inflammatory conditions, particularly those involving chronic inflammation. It belongs to a class of drugs known as biologics, specifically tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) inhibitors. Here are some key points about Remicade:

  1. Indications: Remicade is prescribed for the treatment of several inflammatory and autoimmune conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, and plaque psoriasis. It is known for its ability to suppress the immune system’s overactive response, which contributes to inflammation in these conditions.
  2. Mechanism of Action: Remicade works by targeting and inhibiting the activity of TNF-α, a protein that plays a role in the body’s inflammatory response. By blocking TNF-α, Remicade helps to reduce inflammation and alleviate the symptoms associated with these conditions.
  3. Administration: Remicade is administered intravenously (IV) by a healthcare professional. Typically, the initial treatment involves several doses over a period of weeks, followed by maintenance doses at specified intervals to sustain its therapeutic effect.
  4. Efficacy: Remicade has been shown to be effective in many patients with the aforementioned conditions, often providing relief from symptoms, improving function, and slowing disease progression. However, individual responses to the medication can vary.
  5. Side Effects: Like many immunosuppressive medications, Remicade can have potential side effects. These may include an increased risk of infections, infusion reactions (which can range from mild to severe), and an increased risk of certain malignancies. Regular monitoring by a healthcare provider is crucial to manage and mitigate potential side effects.
  6. Contraindications: Remicade is generally not prescribed for individuals with certain infections or a history of tuberculosis. It should also be used with caution in individuals with heart failure or demyelinating disorders.
  7. Pregnancy and Lactation: The safety of Remicade during pregnancy and breastfeeding is not well established, so it is essential to discuss the risks and benefits with a healthcare provider if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant while taking the medication.

It’s important to note that Remicade is a powerful immunosuppressive medication that requires careful monitoring and management. If you are prescribed Remicade, your healthcare provider will closely monitor your response to treatment and any potential side effects to ensure your safety and well-being. Always follow your healthcare provider’s recommendations and seek their guidance if you have any concerns or questions about your treatment with Remicade.


  • Remicade is a treatment used to alleviate the symptoms of pain and inflammation in a range of autoimmune inflammatory diseases especially psoriatic arthritis and various types of Psoriasis,Including chronic plaque psoriasis.
