Rosvuastatin (Crestor)

CAS NO: 287714-41-4
Batch Molecular FormulaC22H28FN3O6S
Batch Molecular Weight481.539 g/mol
Physical AppearanceWhite to off white Solid
Melting point>151°C
StorageStore at RT
Batch Molecular Structure

Rosuvastatin, commonly known by its brand name Crestor, is a medication classified as a statin. It is primarily prescribed to lower high levels of cholesterol in the blood, specifically low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, often referred to as “bad” cholesterol. Crestor works by reducing the production of cholesterol in the liver and increasing the liver’s ability to remove LDL cholesterol from the bloodstream. Here are the main uses of rosuvastatin (Crestor):

  1. Lowering High Cholesterol: Rosuvastatin is used to reduce elevated levels of LDL cholesterol. High levels of LDL cholesterol are associated with an increased risk of heart disease, including atherosclerosis (hardening and narrowing of the arteries) and coronary artery disease.
  2. Reducing the Risk of Cardiovascular Events: In addition to lowering LDL cholesterol, Crestor is also prescribed to reduce the risk of cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks, strokes, and revascularization procedures (e.g., angioplasty or coronary artery bypass surgery), in individuals at high risk due to factors like diabetes, smoking, or a history of heart disease.
  3. Preventing Cardiovascular Disease: Crestor is sometimes used as a preventative measure in individuals who do not have high cholesterol but have other risk factors for cardiovascular disease. This is typically in cases where lifestyle changes alone are insufficient to manage risk.
  4. Lowering Triglycerides: While its primary role is in lowering LDL cholesterol, rosuvastatin can also have a moderate effect on reducing triglyceride levels.

It’s important to use rosuvastatin under the guidance and supervision of a healthcare provider. The dosage is usually determined based on an individual’s cholesterol levels and overall cardiovascular risk. Regular check-ups and monitoring of liver function and cholesterol levels are typically recommended for patients taking Crestor. Additionally, lifestyle modifications, such as a heart-healthy diet and regular exercise, are often an essential part of managing cholesterol and cardiovascular health, in combination with medication when necessary.


  • Rosuvastatin is used along with a proper diet to help lower “bad” cholesteroland fats (such as LDL, triglycerides) and raise “good” cholesterol (HDL) in the blood. It belongs to a group of drugs known as “statins.” It works by reducing the amount of cholesterol made by the liver.
